Friday, March 11, 2011

Strawberry Letter...

Recently, I made some chocolate-covered strawberries. They were delectable and delicious - really. I have the best chocolate-covered strawberry recipe in the world.

Each one was placed in a tiny cellophane bag and tied with a pretty red ribbon. See them on the lovely coordinating plate above?

For the first twelve hours, they were still fully guaranteed to be delectable and delicious.

So far, so good.

After that, things started to get dicey for some of my strawberry babies. They began to sweat a little and age a bit too rapidly in their tiny personal humidity chambers.

(Kinda like me at the height of a brutally hot and humid summer. This is why I head for a mountain.)

Today, I am going to take those past-their-prime-but-still-wonderful strawberries and do something tasty with them.

(When life hands you lemons, you make you-know-what. When life hands you chocolate-covered strawberries, you make . . . chocolate-strawberry cupcake icing.)

If they turn out beautifully, I will post a photo later of these 'Welcome Home Jason and Savannah Cupcakes'. If not, we will never speak of this again.

Feeling ridiculously ambitious? This is Paula Deen's version of strawberry shortcake.

It looks incredible. Please cook it and send me some.
There has been a great deal of chocolate and strawberry activity around here lately.

It's getting ridonkulous.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I hope I come back to this blog is a few hours and insert a mouthwatering photo of some strawberry-chocolate cupcakes here:

Strawberry with strawberry buttercream and fresh chocolate-strawberry ganache
(I did it.)

Here's a song for your weekend kick-off:

Pray for Japan, Hawaii, and California.

Love from Delta.

1 comment:

  1. "ridonkulous" first time I heard about it but I love it. You got one strawberry-licious posts right here! Thanks!
